星期六, 28 9 月, 2024
26.4 C


recently, a college graduate from a national university design department said that he has worked for more than 2 years, even after work for free to help the boss to do pictures, unexpectedly found that security guard of the building salary is 37K, he sighed, “suddenly felt that life is a black and white”, and don’t know how to continue to support. In response, netizens not only remind the original poster not to despise other professions, but also teach him the importance of choosing companies.

Being a student, we face countless difficulties when it comes to finding a job. Sometimes we feel desperate when the salary of those jobs is not satisfactory. But it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this and there’s always a way to make it better.

Job hunting requires patience and hard work. You have to be prepared to try different things and take risks. But if you can find the right job that interests you, it will be worth it. It’s important to consider the culture of the company and how it will fit your personality. Make sure to look at its values and mission and what you can contribute.

You should also research the market and stay up to date with current trends and news. This way, you can make sure to create a competitive job application. Going the extra mile and investing in yourself will also be beneficial. Learn new skills to make yourself stand out and focus on self-improvement.

Most importantly, don’t be discouraged and don’t settle for a job that doesn’t make you happy. It’s your life and you have the power to make it better. Have faith and stay positive. Life is like a roller coaster filled with ups and downs, but you have the courage to make it through. Remember to stay focused, keep learning, and take risks. It will lead you to a better life.
